Friday, 23 June 2017: 2:15 PM
Salon III (InterContinental Kansas City at the Plaza)
GeoCollaborate(R) is a new technology that enables the access and sharing of data from disparate sources in a real-time collaborative environment. This is significant for multiple decision making environments, business sectors and government agencies and enables the sharing of data between public and private sectors. So what does this have to do with brodcasting? GeoCollaborate(R) has been adapted to deliver unique datasets that can distinguish you from your competition while enabling you to deliver high resolution satllite data and geospatial information to your viewers. Every weathercast looks the same since the primary weather systems have a similar look and feel.
StormCenter Communications has been working to access and deliver high resolution NOAA Polar Orbiting Data for broadcast use and has engaged several stations to test the ability to put NOAA polar data on-air. This presentation will describe the results of our initial test to provide unique imagery for broadcast use within the weathercast.