Friday, 23 June 2017: 10:45 AM
Salon III (InterContinental Kansas City at the Plaza)
Many, if not most, people in this room either have earned their CBM certification or are considering working toward it. But should you stop there? Are you being asked to work legal cases or provide other consulting services? Or, do you want to do some of this? If so, then, perhaps the CCM (Certified Consulting Meteorologist) should be on your radar.
As of the date we submitted this abstract, there were fewer than a dozen CCM/CBM dual sealholders. And this talk will be jointly presented by two of them: Maureen McCann, AMS Commissioner on Professional Affairs and TV Meteorologist at News 13, Orlando, FL and H. Michael Mogil, How The Weatherworks (Naples, FL) and past-president of ACM-NCIM (Association of Certified Meteorologists-National Council of Industrial Meteorologists). Maureen and Mike will introduce what the CCM certification process entails, what it means to you, and why broadcasters might value membership (even as associate/affiliate members within ACM-NCIM).