The current research presented here expands upon that previous work in a number of ways. First, participants made shelter in place decisions to tornadoes of potentially greater magnitude (EF3-EF4). These IBWs also included either the “CONSIDERABLE” or “CATASTROPHIC” threat tag (threat tags were not included in the earlier research). Second, the participants were much more diverse with respect to a variety of demographic variables having been recruited through a nationwide pool. Third, a new control condition was included such that some warnings matched the IBWs in terms of word length, but these longer warnings did not include the use of “scary” language. These longer control warnings were used in order to rule out simple increased warning length as a factor contributing to the higher shelter in place decisions made to the IBWs. With these changes in place, the experiment’s methodology was identical to that used previously – participants read the tornado warnings and at three different decision points, using a 0-100 likelihood scale, made decisions about having the manufacturing plant shut down and employees shelter in place. Results will be compared to those obtained previously and discussed within the context of NWS best practices.