Thursday, 22 June 2017: 11:00 AM
Salon III (InterContinental Kansas City at the Plaza)
Just above Earth's atmosphere lies the region where terrestrial weather ceases and space weather begins: the ionosphere. NASA is at the forefront of exploring and understanding this near-Earth space, where incoming radiation and energy from the sun can impact satellites, astronauts, plane travelers, radio signals and even, sometimes, utility grids on the ground.
This talk will explain how you can gain access to and share with your viewers and social media fans the stunning images and time lapse videos of the sun's explosions from NASA telescopes, breaking news information on space weather near Earth, and descriptions of our newest space weather missions designed to focus on how our terrestrial weather and space weather interact. We'll preview the upcoming launch of ICON, the Ionospheric Connection Explorer, and GOLD, the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk, mission, both of which will be observing — from different vantage points -- how neutral winds and charged particles in the ionosphere interact creating the complex space system we have long observed but have yet to completely understand.
We have a host of visuals and experts available to help you capture the imagination of your audiences and explain more about this region of near-Earth space, which – with its host of communications and GPS satellites, for example – is increasingly important to human technology.