For anyone in the business looking for a way to connect with the audience, this program does that. At least once a week I run into former weather kids in restaurants, shopping centers even football games. I have even had a former weather kid's child become a weather kid, 2nd generation. It creates a bond with viewers unlike anything I have seen before. I have 30 year old people send me Emails or Facebook posts and along with their comment or question, they are sure to let me know they were a Van's Weather kid and provide their year.
I started this program in 1997 and it ran weekly until 2014 and then brought it back in 2016. It went away for 2 years due to our adding another 90 minutes of news between 4 and 7pm without adding a weather person. Now that we have another weather perrson, I was able to bring it back last year. We now require the child to be between 8 and 13 years of age. The first 17 years the ages were 6 to 12, but some had trouble reading. I train the kids and they do a portion of the weather by themselves as I stand a few feet off the screen.
Here is a link to the page where we post past weather kids.
One of the weather kids that I had on back in January was so unique he was invited to appear on Fox and Friends in New York City. A big deal for the young man and his mom.
The link below gives a little insight into what the program did for this young man.