Friday, 23 June 2017: 2:45 PM
Salon II (InterContinental Kansas City at the Plaza)
Thunderstorms pose unique challenges in maintaining the safety and efficiency of air traffic. National Weather Service meteorologists work within the Federal Aviation Administration en-route facilities to ensure that decision making incorporates the latest meteorological reasoning and support to benefit the flying public by providing on-site and on-demand advisories and services tailored to their needs. Convective episodes dominated by long-lasting, linear modes oriented north-to-south are especially impactful to the National Airspace System. This often requires much coordination between meteorologists, FAA traffic managers, and air carriers to facilitate operations. An example of this interplay between meteorological forecasts, stakeholder communication, decision-making, and subsequent impacts occurred with the Great Plains convective event of 12 April 2015, and is thoroughly examined as a case study of the benefit of meteorologists embedded within the air traffic control framework.