Understory has deployed hundreds of stations in cities throughout the United States including Dallas, Houston, Kansas City, Denver, St. Louis, Minneapolis, and Madison. Blanketing a metro area with stations every 1 to 5 km allows us to determine when and where hail fell and assess the potential for hail- and wind-related damage from the storm. Data from the micronets is combined in real-time, providing a current picture of the conditions in those metro areas. Micronets can contribute a necessary data layer for catastrophe and response planning. Understory data is accessed through a web platform that integrates other sources of valuable information for incredible situational awareness. Severe weather alert messages can be pre-configured and trigger for users in affected areas. We will discuss perils supported nationwide as well as targeted alerting in Understory-enabled metros. We’ll also discuss how the real-time data can be accessed through the Understory API and is complimentary for government users and academics for research purposes.