Thursday, 22 June 2017: 9:45 AM
Salon II (InterContinental Kansas City at the Plaza)
WX Geeks, the show produced by meteorologists, for weather geeks, passed a major milestone at the start of this year with its 100th episode. The creators of the show first envisioned episodes filled with images of weather, scientific explanations and analysis of recent weather events. What was not anticipated, however, was the amount of policy and communication discourse that has dominated much of shows. Since it's launch in the summer of 2014, over 115 guests have appeared on the show representing government agencies, academic institutions, the general public, broadcast meteorologists and the technology sector. Even with this diverse range of topics and guests, we estimate that more than 75% of the episodes have touched of the topic of communication. We will look back at the most common communication themes that have emerged on the show. You will hear past guests discuss the challenges they face as communicators and hear some of their best practices. We'll also reveal why we believe the solution to many of these challenges will require input from multiple sectors of the weather community.