4.2 Weather Warning Processes in Argentina during RELAMPAGO

Thursday, 13 June 2019: 4:15 PM
Sierra 5-6 (San Diego Marriott Mission Valley)
Calvin Elkins, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL

The procedures for disseminating information on threatening weather can differ greatly around the globe. During the RELAMPAGO severe thunderstorm field campaign, University of Illinois researchers received first-hand experience with the warning processes of the Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN), Argentina’s equivalent of the US National Weather Service (NWS). By documenting the forecast process accompanying the evolution of a well-observed multi-hazard thunderstorm complex, the researchers gained insight into SMN’s practices and priorities. This presentation will recap the event, highlighting the physical and social impacts that SMN forecasters prioritize during severe weather, with some discussion given to the differences between SMN and NWS procedures. The goal is to combine this knowledge with that of the research done during RELAMPAGO to help create more robust warning systems and procedures.
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