J3.2 An Update on Evolving Storm Prediction Center Products & Services

Thursday, 13 June 2019: 8:45 AM
Rio Vista Salon A-C (San Diego Marriott Mission Valley)
Patrick T. Marsh, NOAA/NWS/Storm Prediction Center, Norman, OK; and R. S. Schneider, W. F. Bunting, and I. L. Jirak

The National Weather Service (NWS) is working towards a modern, flexible, next-generation severe weather outlook, watch, and warning framework called: Forecasting A Continuum of Environmental Threats or FACETs. A foundational component of a FACETs-like paradigm is the near-continuous update of threat information as new meteorological information becomes available. This presentation will provide an update on the evolution and implementation of new products, services, and tools under development at the NOAA/NWS Storm Prediction Center to meet these needs and the communication challenges raised within this new paradigm.
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