Fourth Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction


Evaluating the CALMET/CALPUFF modeling system for nitrogen deposition in the Tampa Bay Estuary

Arlene G. Laing, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL; and N. Poor, D. Lomeli, and V. Bhethanabotla

In response to the increasing amount of active nitrogen compounds being converted from inert forms of nitrogen, researchers have developed rudimentary modeling and monitoring tools to assess the contribution of atmospheric nitrogen to the total nitrogen loading to an estuary or watershed. The CALMET/CALPUFF modeling system is used as a diagnostic and prognostic tool to investigate the fate of nitrogen in the Tampa Bay area. The CALMET/CALPUFF system is a PC-based Fortran program, with inputs of wind fields from the high resolution Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5). This study is aimed at developing an automatic quality assurance and quality control technique for CALMET output. It is a part of a broader study to examine the effectiveness of various emissions control strategies for the State of Florida.

Poster Session 1, Posters (Plese note this session has changed to an Oral Session)
Thursday, 8 November 2001, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM

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