Structural Indexing of DMSP satellite images
Mohamed Gebril, North Carolina A&T state university, Greensboro, NC; and H. Abdollah
Image mining has been an interesting research area for scientists. In this research, we are investigating image retrieving systems to find an algorithm to both fast and accurately recognize a query image in a huge weather image dataset.Due to the enormous increase in image database sizes, as well as its vast deployment in various applications, the need for CBIR development arose. Firstly, this report outlines a description of the primitive features of an image; texture, colour, and shape. These features are extracted and used as the basis for a similarity check between images. The algorithms used to calculate the similarity between extracted features, are then explained. Our final result was a MatLab built software application, with an image database, that utilized texture and colour features of the images in the database as the basis of comparison and retrieval. The structure of the final software application is illustrated. Furthermore, the results of its performance are illustrate
Session 5B, Remote Sensing and Satellites V
Friday, 13 November 2009, 1:45 PM-3:35 PM
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