The Fifth Education and Science Forum


Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of gold(I) phosphines that may be used for the detection of volatile organic compounds

Darkus E. Jenkins, North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC; and D. Ragland and Z. Assefa

The synthesis, structural characterization, and luminescence properties of several gold(I) complexes containing phosphines are explored. The synthetic methods of various modified imidazole-based phosphine ligands are described. These phosphines include 1-methyl imidazole phosphine, benziimidazole phosphine, and 1-methylbenziimidazole phosphine. Computational calculations will provide useful information about the structural and electronic properties of these complexes. The imidazole-based phosphine ligands are targeted for potential application in VOC detection. The current status of our synthetic work will be described.

*Structural data collection and analysis by Dr. Richard Sykora, University of South Alabama is kindly acknowledged. This research is supported by NOAA Educational Partnership Program award number NA06OAR4810187 to NCAT State University.

Poster Session 1, Poster Session I
Thursday, 12 November 2009, 5:15 PM-6:15 PM

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