Observing sea ice concentration in the caspian sea using MSG SEVIRI data
Gena Israel, NOAA/CREST/REU, Brooklyn, NY
According to Rodionov 1998 and Kouraev et al. 2005, sea ice extent in
the Caspian sea has followed a downward linear trend in the second
half of the 20th century. Rise in global mean temperatures are
believed to be impacting sea ice in this manner. This type of change
can have irreversible impacts on the ecosystem of the Caspian sea and
therefore need to be continually monitored. Passive microwave sensors
have been used primarily for retrieving images of sea ice from
satellites. Passive microwave sensors are a favored method because
they are able to penetrate clouds and are weather independent.
Passive microwave sensors have a higher spatial resolution and
therefore are efficient at monitoring large regions of sea ice whereas
visible and infrared sensors are better at monitoring smaller regions
of sea ice due to their finer spatial resolution. In this study
instantaneous images were analyzed using MSG SEVIRI to observe sea ice
concentration in the Caspian sea during the winter seasons of 2007 and
2008. Using the visible and infrared bands of MSG SEVIRI, steps were
taken to discriminate between clouds, water and ice in the images. An
attempt was made to predict sea ice concentration on days where clouds
were present. To validate results, predictions were compared to daily
IMS maps provided by NOAA.
Poster Session 1, Poster Session I
Thursday, 12 November 2009, 5:15 PM-6:15 PM
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