Recent Advances by CCNY in Bio-optical Retrievals and Cal/val in Coastal Waters
Sam Ahmed, City College of the City University of NY, New York, NY
Integrated observation platform for calibration and validation of multi and hyper-spectral satellite sensors will be implemented in Long Island Sound (LIS) to support long-term satellite ocean color investigations. Objective of the study is to provide the creation of consistent data records from various Ocean Color Earth observing systems and to support regional environmental investigations through radiometric time-series measurements. MODIS Ocean color satellite data of waters around platform location has been acquired for four years period and both spatial as well as temporal trends were analyzed. The platform is located in the area with variability of water parameters 3 to 5 fold which will allow efficient satellite data calibration and validation. Multi-spectral SeaPRISM and hyperspectral HyperSAS instruments will be installed and ocean as well as atmospheric radiometric measurements will be acquired on both hyper and multi spectral scales. Measured atmospheric data at the observation platform will be correlated to Sun Photometer and LIDAR data obtained at CCNY site.
Session 5B, Remote Sensing and Satellites V
Friday, 13 November 2009, 1:45 PM-3:35 PM
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