Boundary Layer Heights (BLH) derived from Raman Lidar and Sounding Measurements
Micheal Hicks, NCAS, Washington, DC; and M. Adam, T. Dejene, M. Robjohn, B. B. Demoz, J. D. Fuentes, E. Joseph, D. Venable, and R. Connell
This study is in support of NOAA efforts to provide accurate numerical weather prediction (NWP) modeling to aid homeland security decision makers in dispersion modeling. To optimize NOAA support to homeland security, NOAA and NASA, led by the NCEP EMC group, are collaborating to utilize satellite and surface-based measurements to perform a Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA) of NWP stability and BLH output parameters. Howard University is participating in this effort by providing accurate BLH measurements from a high spatial and temporal resolution surface-based Raman Lidar system.
Water vapor mixing ratio (WVMR) and aerosol backscatter coefficient (ABC) profiles are determined on a regular basis at Howard University Beltsville, MD Research Campus (HUBC) by a Raman Lidar system. These datasets provide an immense amount of information about planetary boundary layer (PBL) processes, which models are unable to resolve. To exploit these large volumes of data, this study attempts to develop an accurate method for deriving operational PBL properties, such as boundary layer height (BLH) and entrainment zone thickness (EZT). This study focus is on finding accurate PBL property estimates over a heterogeneous landscape with an algorithm that applies multiple gradient method detection techniques to Raman Lidar derived scalar profiles and radiosonde derived virtual potential temperature profiles.
Poster Session 1, Poster Session I
Thursday, 12 November 2009, 5:15 PM-6:15 PM
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