The Fifth Education and Science Forum


The trans-Atlantic AERosol and Oceanographic Science Expedition (AEROSE)

Ibrahim Siddo, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY

Every year, more than four billion metric tons of aerosols are injected into the atmosphere. The sources of these aerosols are multiple and diverse originating from volcanic eruptions, dust plumes, natural and/or human-induced biomass burning, industries and transportation.

The impact of these aerosols on our atmosphere, ocean and human health are felt through contributions to global warming, transport of harmful species in the ocean mixed layer, and through deposition of fungi, bacteria and air toxics that may cause humans to suffer from asthma and other respiratory ailments.

To find a solution to this phenomenon, Dr. Vernon Morris and his team at Howard University developed a series of expeditions, the trans-Atlantic AERosol and Oceanographic Science Expedition (AEROSE). These expeditions involve measurements in the Remote Ocean and comprehensive analyses to address specific scientific questions associated with these answers.

We became part of this team through an NSF Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) in July 2008. This presentation is designed to convey what we have learned so far about these expeditions, our experiences for involvement in a recent expedition, and

some preliminary analysis of the data.

Session 5B, Remote Sensing and Satellites V
Friday, 13 November 2009, 1:45 PM-3:35 PM

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