The Fifth Education and Science Forum

Session 4A

 Coastal Areas, Wetlands and Oceans
10:25 AM4A.1Using a box model to examine large-scale spatial and temporal patterns in harmful algal blooms for the Potomac River estuary  
Amy Drohan, Morgan State University, St. Leonard, MD; and J. Anderson
10:40 AM4A.2Taking back Wetlands  
Courtney McGeachy, NOAA, VA; and W. Priest
10:55 AM4A.3Nannochloropsis oceanica growth optimization study: nitrogen source and concentration  
Symone Johnson, Center of Marine Biotechnology, Baltimore, MD; and R. Cluster
11:10 AM4A.4The Effects of an Alien Invasive Alga on Sediment Retention and Resuspension in Coastal Hawaiian Waters and the Influence of Community Based Restoration  
Jonathan A. Martinez, NOAA, Honolulu, HI; and E. Wolanski and R. H. Richmond
11:25 AM4A.5Impact of dissolved organic matter (DOM) availability on bacterial community succession over a tidal cycle in Apalachicola Bay, FL  
Jennifer Cherrier, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL; and A. Chauhan
11:40 AM4A.6COSEE - Coastal Trends Science-Educator Program---Enhancing the Understanding of Dynamic Coastal Trends  
Maryse Leandre, Hampton University, Hampton, VA

Friday, 13 November 2009: 10:25 AM-12:00 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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