The Fifth Education and Science Forum

Session 3B

 Remote Sensing and Satellites III
8:30 AM3B.1The NOAA Aerosols and Ocean Expedition  
Nicholas Nalli, NOAA/NESDIS, Silver Spring, MD
8:55 AM3B.2Soil Moisture and Droughts in Africa  
Gilbert Fahnbulleh, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY
9:10 AM3B.3Detecting cloud vertical structures from photon path lengths distribution  
Siwei Li, SUNY, Albany, NY; and Q. Min
9:25 AM3B.4Polar stratospheric cloud observations from CALIPSO  
Michael T. Hill, Hampton University, Hampton, VA; and M. P. McCormick
9:40 AM3B.5Multiangular and Hyperspectral Characteristics of Polarized Light Field in Case 2 Waters  
Amir Ibrahim, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and A. Tonizzo
9:55 AM3B.6Integrating the Sensor Web Enablement initiative into a smart sensor web  
William Wright, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; and A. Esterline

Friday, 13 November 2009: 8:30 AM-10:10 AM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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