Vm^2 = (heyewall - ho) (Ts To) / To
Vm = Peak hurricane wind speed
Ts = Sea Surface Temp.
To = Cloud-top Temperature
h* = Moist Static Energy (MSE)
h = CpT + gZ + Lvq
T = Air Temperature in Kelvin
g = Gravitational Force
Z = Height
q = Specific Humidity
Lv= Latent Heat
Cp= Isoboric Specific Humidity Capacity of dry air
Specific Humidity is found using the following equations:
Clausius-clapeyron equation
Pe = 6.612 e (17.67 * tdew / (tdew + 243.5))
Specific Humidity
Q = 0.622 * pe / static pressure
The purpose of this research is to use reconnaissance aircraft data to calculate the defining parameters (in particular MSE) and to test the Emanuel method. The estimated wind speed based on the equation above will be evaluated against observations of true wind speed. Our REU research of this past summer focused on analyzing aircraft reconnaissance data to estimate the distribution of MSE for a few hurricane cases. Preliminary results will be presented.