19th Interior West Fire Council Meeting

Session 3

 Session 3
 Organizer: Jim Dunlop, British Columbia Forest Service, Victoria, BC Canada
8:30 AM3.1Fire Operations Research in the Northwest Territories  
Dave Schroeder, FERIC, Hinton, AB, Canada
9:00 AM3.2Bow Corridor Wildland Urban Interface Planning—Successes and Challenges  
Stew Walkinshaw, Government of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Edmonton, AB, Canada
9:30 AM3.3Fire Weather and Behaviour Characteristics of the 1968 Vega and 2001 Chisholm Wildfires  
Bruce MacGregor, Alberta Fores Protection Division, Lac La Riche, AB, Canada

Wednesday, 26 October 2005: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM, Orchid

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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