J2.1 The History of Wildfire Detection In Alberta

Tuesday, 25 October 2005: 10:30 AM
Ladyslipper/Orchid (Radisson Canmore Hotel and Conference Center)
Tim Klein, Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Peace River, AB, Canada

Since the dawn of man's discovery and fascination with fire, there has been the compelling urge to be pre-warned of its destructive advances on those places that man values most. From a convenient hilltop, early man could view the savage fury of an onrushing grass or forest fire, and plan his retreat. Rare is the country in the world that has not had, at some point in its history, a system of Lookouts - however crude. Alberta was no exception. From the indigenous people of the prairies, foothills, and boreal forests, through to the system still used today, the Lookout Observer and their lonely outposts have played an integral part in preventing and suppressing wildfire.
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