Session 8.1 Applications of Coupled Atmosphere—Fire Modeling: Prototype Demonstration of RealTime Modeling of Fire Behavior

Thursday, 27 October 2005: 4:00 PM
Ladyslipper (Radisson Canmore Hotel and Conference Center)
Janice L. Coen, NCAR, Boulder, CO

Presentation PDF (408.5 kB)

Numerical models that couple wildland fire behavior models with atmospheric numerical weather prediction models have been used to understand basic characteristics of fire behavior. This work presents (1) recent developments in the Coupled Atmosphere-Wildland Fire- Environment model (CAWFE), developed with contributions from NCAR, the Missoula Fire Lab, and Riverside Fire Lab, (2) its application as a tool for understanding and assessing fire impacts on atmospheric motions and fire-fire interactions, and (3) how it has been used as a real-time application.
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