Seventh Symposium on the Urban Environment

Session 3


Energy Exchange, Water Balances and Anthropogenic Fluxes

 Cochairs: Sue Grimmond, King's College London, London United Kingdom; James A. Voogt, Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario, London, ON Canada
3:45 PM3.1Thermo-radiative modeling and energy balance of the urban canopy: relations between simulated and measured temperatures  extended abstract wrf recording
Aurélien Hénon, Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides, UMR CNRS 6598, NANTES, France; and P. G. Mestayer and D. Groleau
4:00 PM3.2Application of a sea-breeze index to evaluate the impact on urban energy balance fluxes  
Aurore Porson, University of Reading, Department of Meteorology, Reading, United Kingdom; and S. Grimmond and D. G. Steyn
4:15 PM3.3A microscale three-dimensional urban energy balance model for studying surface temperatures  
E. Scott Krayenhoff, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; and J. A. Voogt
4:30 PM3.4Contribution of snow melt to the surface energy budget observed during the 2005 Montreal Urban Snow Experiment (MUSE)  
Stéphane Bélair, EC, Dorval, QC, Canada; and A. Lemonsu, J. Mailhot, and F. Chagnon
4:45 PM3.5Interdisciplinary study of coupled water-biophysical-climate systems in a semi-arid urban environment  extended abstract wrf recording
Steven Burian, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; and E. Pardyjak, C. Forster, S. Bush, I. Jeyachandran, P. Ramamurthy, M. Jensen, and N. Augustus
5:00 PM3.6A bottom-up approach for estimating latent and sensible heat emissions from anthropogenic sources  extended abstract wrf recording
David J. Sailor, Portland State Univ., Portland, OR; and A. Brooks, M. Hart, and S. Heiple
5:15 PM3.7Estimation of urban heat fluxes in Shanghai from an airborne hyperspectral image: comparison of two models  
Weidong Xu, King's College London, London, United Kingdom; and M. Wooster and S. Grimmond

Monday, 10 September 2007: 3:45 PM-5:45 PM, Kon Tiki Ballroom

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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