P1.12 A fast urban dispersion model - evaluation and application

Monday, 10 September 2007
Macaw/Cockatoo (Catamaran Resort Hotel)
Rory P. Donnelly, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia; and T. J. Lyons

A fast Lagrangian model for urban pollutant dispersion is presented

and validated against the MUST array data. Model input is limited

to routinely available meteorological data, thus lending the model

to emergency response use. Stabilities and friction velocities

agree well with those derived from on-site 3-D sonic

anemometers. Predicted concentrations agree well with moderate to

high concentration observations, with a mean geometric bias of 1.1

and 84% of predictions within a factor of 2 for arc maxima. Application of the

model to Perth urban area is discussed.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner