Tuesday, 11 September 2007: 11:15 AM
Toucan (Catamaran Resort Hotel)
The new Canadian urban modeling system, developed at the Meteorological Service of Canada and based on the inclusion of the Town Energy Balance (TEB) model in the GEM atmospheric model, has been run over Oklahoma City (OK, United States) within the framework of the Joint Urban 2003 dispersion experiment (July 2003). Grid-nested simulations with grid-size down to 250 meters have been performed for daytime and nighttime intensive observational periods (IOP6 and IOP9) of the experiment. The main results from these integrations will be presented at the Symposium, with the objectives of evaluating the new urban modeling system with the detailed meteorological observations collected during Joint Urban 2003, and of studying the urban effects and their interactions with larger scale processes such as a nocturnal low level jet.