Monday, 10 September 2007: 4:45 PM
Boardroom (Catamaran Resort Hotel)
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The theoretical subject of this research is the thermal comfort conditions in the Barra Funda neighborhood, in the west zone of Sao Paulo, Brazil, close to the historical city center, resulting in different microclimates within short walking distances, as a consequence of its urban physical aspects. The area's urban fabric is constituted by brownfield sites, crossed by the railway line, with highly differentiated boundary urban, social and environmental conditions, which is a typical urban picture in growing cities from emergent economies. The objective is to assess the thermal adequacy of different open spaces, inferring possible correlations with morphological and physical characteristics of each space. The method is empirical (on-site measurements of environmental variables) supported by analytical method (predictive models simulation). On site measurements were carried out in seven different locations within short walking distances. The results were used to assess thermal comfort through a predictive model that was empirically calibrated to a population adapted to Sao Paulo climatic conditions. Differences in the locations' final results were found and comparatively discussed; pointing out to strategies for the urban project and constituting a base that can lead to proposals for future urban interventions in the area. The initiative of creating a new neighborhood is related to public and private interests. In that sense, this work aims to contribute with a detailed assessment of the thermal comfort conditions of the area, which can be further explored in order to develop proposals for urban occupation in accordance with the local climatic conditions, therefore, making the open and public spaces of Barra Funda more comfortable and inviting. In this case, it is assumed that the environmental improvements would reflect into social and economic benefits, by increasing the quality of the urban environment.
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