Poster Session P2.12 Gulf coastal urban forest hazard assessment and remote sensing efforts after hurricanes Katrina and Rita

Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Macaw/Cockatoo (Catamaran Resort Hotel)
Kamran K. Abdollahi, SU Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Baton Rouge, LA; and Z. H. Ning, D. Collins, F. Namwamba, and A. Negatu

Handout (210.4 kB)

The impacts of hurricanes Ktrina and Rita on the urban forest of the Gulf Coastal region are being assessed through several initiatives. This paper provides a summary of the important initiatives dealing with the followings:

Gulf Coastal Urban Forest Hazard Assessment and Hazard Reduction,

Gulf Coast Ecosystem Hazard,

Gulf Coastal Restoration Planning and Management,

Gulf Coastal Urban Wood-waste Assessment and Reduction,

Gulf Coastal Urban Forest Ecosystem Modeling.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner