2.4 High-resolution air-sea modeling of the Philippines winter monsoon

Tuesday, 11 September 2007: 2:00 PM
Boardroom (Catamaran Resort Hotel)
Julie Pullen, NRL, Monterey, CA; and J. Doyle, P. May, C. Chavanne, and P. Flament

Winter monsoon conditions during February 2005 over the Philippines are simulated using COAMPS (triply nested down to 8 km resolution) forcing a regional NCOM ocean model (3 km resolution). The high-resolution COAMPS grid produces intense wind jets associated with the mountain orography and gaps between islands. The structure of the simulated features agrees with contemporaneous QuikSCAT-derived wind stresses. The strong curl of these wind jets leads to a double gyre ocean circulation pattern near Mindoro Straits. Sensitivity simulations utilizing either global NCOM or global HYCOM (both data-assimilating) for initial and boundary conditions produce the wind-driven ocean gyre structures although the general background ocean circulation is very different between the two simulations. A two-way coupled modeling test is also being run for the region.
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