11.4A RAMS, MM5, and CAMx simulations of Middle-East ozone transboundary-transport

Thursday, 13 September 2007: 2:15 PM
Kon Tiki Ballroom (Catamaran Resort Hotel)
Erez Weinroth, San Jose State Univ., San Jose, CA; and S. Kasakseh and R. D. Bornstein

An USAID MERC project generated air quality climatologies (met and concentration), field observational data during periods of poor regional air quality, RAMS and MM5 meso-met simulations, emission inventories, and CAMX photochemical simulations. Both meso-met models reproduced the observed sea/land breezes and up/down slope flows associated with inland mountain ranges. MM5 domain averaged surface temperatures show a diurnal bias of < 0.5 K. Associated speed biases were < 1.5 m/s, while direction biases were < 45 deg. CAMX-reproduced precursor and secondary pollutant plumes that agreed well with observations. In particular, they showed a max ozone concentration at the surface at Jerusalem that resulted from coastal transportation emissions in Israel. It also showed a previously unknown absolute ozone peak at 300 m AGL over Irbid in northern Jordan. Emissions-impact analysis has shown that power plant emissions from coastal Israeli areas produce the largest contributions to the Irbid ozone maxima, a result different from those of areas such as California, where auto emissions have the largest impacts.
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