Seventh Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography and Joint Sympsoium on High-Latitude Climate Variations


A new approach for obtaining advection profiles: Application to the SHEBA column

Hugh Morrison, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; and J. O. Pinto

Time-averaged vertically-integrated 3-D advections are inferred from heat and moisture budgets obtained from observations at SHEBA for April, May, June and July. Advection was a source of heat and moisture in the column budgets during the time period, balanced mostly by precipitation and radiative cooling. These inferred advections are used to evaluate and correct the 3D temperature and water vapor advection profiles obtained from operational forecasts of the ECMWF model. Advections from the ECMWF model are generally too warm and moist, particularly in July. These biases lead to over-predictions of temperature and water vapor mixing ratio often exceeding 12 K and 50%, respectively, in month-long single-column model simulations. A correction algorithm is developed that constrains the ECMWF advections to the observed column budgets, thereby eliminating a first-order source of error in the advective forcing. Simulations forced with the corrected advections show significant improvements in the modeled temperature and water vapor profiles and precipitation. It is demonstrated that using the new observationally-constrained advection profiles allows for a less ambiguous evaluation of the model's physical parameterizations and associated feedbacks.

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Session 11, New Polar Observations and Applications: Atmospheric Parameters (Continued)
Thursday, 15 May 2003, 1:30 PM-2:00 PM

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