Seventh Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography and Joint Sympsoium on High-Latitude Climate Variations


Modeling a multi-layer cloud system observed during the FIRE Arctic Clouds Experiment using a new double-moment bulk microphysics scheme

Hugh Morrison, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and M. D. Shupe, J. A. Curry, and P. Zuidema

A bulk microphysics scheme with prognostic number concentrations and mixing ratios for cloud water, cloud ice, rain, and snow is developed and implemented into a single-column model to simulate the July 8 FIRE Arctic Clouds Experiment case study. Results using the new parameterization are compared to those using a simpler single-moment microphysics scheme. The new scheme more accurately predicts the cloud system formation and evloution, particularly with regard to cloud phase. These improvements are attributed to the new scheme's detailed treatment of ice nucleation and the addition of number concentration as a prognostic quantity. Ice water content is under-predicted compared to retrievals using both the new and simple parameterizations, possibly reflecting uncertainties in the initial and/or forcing conditions, in addition to the model physics.

Poster Session 1, General Posters with Reception
Monday, 12 May 2003, 4:25 PM-7:00 PM

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