Introducing Space Weather to the Standard Physics Curriculum
Isidoros Doxas, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and K. Garvin-Doxas
A series of computer based modules is being developed that use the real-life effects of Space Weather to motivate the study of the basic concepts of Electricity and Magnetism at the level of a typical introductory physics course for non-majors. The modules are designed to enable instructors to engage students in exploring problems that are complex enough to be of practical interest, while still allowing them to concentrate on the simple concepts they need to learn. Extensive testing of students’ actual use of computer-based resources is being undertaken, to ensure that the modules will be effective in realistic classroom environments. The modules are based on similar units for Earth Science that have been developed and tested over the past five years, and evaluation results show both an improvement in student attitudes towards science, and content assimilation equal or better to that of textbook-based instruction.
Joint Session 1, Education and Outreach Activities in Space Weather (Joint Between the 13th Symposium on Education and the Symposium on Space Weather) (Room 615/16)
Monday, 12 January 2004, 1:30 PM-5:30 PM, Room 615/616
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