20th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology


GIS Data and Applications at the Lower Mississippi River Forecast Center

Keith M. Stellman, NOAA/NWS, Slidell, LA; and D. M. Welch

The LMRFC collects, processes, and analyses a large amount of data. To keep its users informed 24 hours a day, the LMRFC prepares a significant number of products using GIS software and technology. These products are used internally at LMRFC and within the NWS and are posted to the LMRFC webpage. Products prepared using GIS include: precipitation estimates from the NWS WSR-88D Radar for time periods ranging from hourly to yearly; contoured observed precipitation for time periods ranging from daily to yearly; monthly normal precipitation maps and departure from normal; forecasted precipitation in 6-hour increments for 24 hours in the future and maps displaying the status of river forecast locations to name a few. With the implementation of an internet map server and ftp availability, data is easily viewed and/or downloaded for use by anyone using GIS.

We will demonstrate this technology and how it is integrated into LMRFC and Southern Regions' products and services.

extended abstract  Extended Abstract (664K)

Session 17, GIS Applications (ROOM 613/614)
Thursday, 15 January 2004, 1:30 PM-5:30 PM, Room 613/614

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