Meeting your weather needs without looking foolish
Phillip D. Breuser, Weather Consultants, North Bend, WA
A private-sector meteorologist experienced in negotiating and delivering weather information to public sector users will present an informative and challenging perspective to meeting weather needs. The presentor will focus on the various levels of knowledge that users have in terms of knowing their weather needs. The ability of the user to use their knowledge in determining an appropriate weather sources(s) will be addressed.
The presenter will outline various sources of weather information in general categories, and describe the intended audience of each source. He will describe the capacity of various information sources to meet user needs. He will concentrate on the varying levels of user need for information, and give examples of 'too much information', 'too little information', 'wrong and right information'. He will talk about optimum sources, including the client-forecaster feedback loop and the communication factor.
Examples of various approaches to obtaining weather information will be provided, and hints on how to develop an approach suitable for the individual user will be offered. The potential user will be assisted in formulating and asking the right questions when pursuing a weather source. Case examples will be shown where users have chosen a weather source, the processes used in making their choice, and the field results of that choice. Agency assumptions and departmental roadblocks will be touched on.
An appraisal of user weather needs in light of a litigous population and shrinking budgets will be discussed. The potential weather user will be offered various avenues to follow in meeting their weather needs. Current users of weather information will be presented with questions they can ask themselves about the viability of their weather source(s).
Session 4, Applications Workshop
Wednesday, 14 January 2004, 8:30 AM-5:15 PM, Room 401
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