20th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology


Data Services from NOAA's PMEL/EPIC group

Donald W. Denbo, JISAO/Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA; and E. Burger, J. Osborne, J. Sirott, N. N. Soreide, M. Spillane, N. Merati, and W. H. Zhu

This paper describes the suite of data services provided by NOAA's PMEL/EPIC group. Tools for backend data management include data archive, search, subset and retrieval functions. A suite of desktop tools ranges from traditional analysis and graphics to modern desktop Java and Windows applications for intensive browsing of specific data types such as ocean observations data sets, and remote access to desktop applications. Web-based services include toolkits for creating customized web interfaces providing data and graphics specific to individual data collections or projects (i.e., El Nino buoys, multi-beam bathymetric data, satellite analyses, etc).

Internet access services include OPeNDAP data servers and clients customized for specific data types (in-situ, gridded), collaboration tools for data sharing with white boarding and session logging, emerging web services for machine-to-machine access to data, XML and GIS tools, network tools to allow applications to detect and adjust to network availability parameters, and, most recently, planned development of Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) services for data access and graphics on the Grid.

extended abstract  Extended Abstract (1.2M)

Poster Session 1, 20th IIPS Poster Session (HALL 4AB)
Monday, 12 January 2004, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Hall 4AB

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