An Analysis on Thermodynamic and Kinematic Parameters in the Midwest, Southern Plains, and Southern Florida during the Summer of 2002.
Kaycee L. Frederick, University of North Dakota Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Grand Forks, ND; and P. A. Kucera
During the summer of 2002, parameters from daily 0000 UTC soundings in the Midwest (Aberdeen, Bismarck, Chanhassen, and International Falls), Southern Plains (Amarillo, Dodge City, and Oklahoma City), and Southern Florida (Key West, Miami, and Tampa) were analyzed in an attempt to find parameters which best represented the thermodynamic and kinematic properties of the atmosphere. The 0000 UTC sounding was classified as either a severe or non-severe weather case based on the proximity of a severe storm event. The definition for proximity in this study is an event occurring within 100 nm of the rawinsonde site, and between 2100 UTC and 0300 UTC. Preliminary results show that in the Midwest, the Thompson Index, Jefferson Index, and Bulk Richardson Number represented atmospheric conditions the best. The Lifted Index, Thompson Index, K Index, and Bulk Richardson Number were best representative of the Southern Plain’s atmospheric conditions; while Southern Florida’s atmospheric conditions were best represented by Lifted Index, Thompson Index, CAP Strength, and Bulk Richardson Number. The results of current research focused on verifying these results by looking at “false detection” will be discussed.
Poster Session 1, Poster Session
Sunday, 11 January 2004, 5:30 PM-7:00 PM, Room 608/609
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