Eighth Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface

Session 7

 Field Experiments (Room 618)
8:30 AM7.1Field and Operational tests of a Sonic Anemometer for the Automated Surface Observing System  extended abstract wrf recording
Richard Lewis, NOAA/NWS, Sterling, VA; and J. M. Dover
8:45 AM7.2Development of a Meteorological Particle Sensor for the Observation of Drizzle  extended abstract
Richard Lewis, NOAA/NWS, Sterling, VA; and S. G. White
9:00 AM7.3Development of the All-weather Precipitation Accumulation Gauge for ASOS  extended abstract
Stacy G. White, SAIC, Sterling, VA; and L. J. Winans and J. V. Fiore
9:15 AM7.4European UV Broad Band Filter Radiometer Reference Scale  extended abstract wrf recording
Alexander Los, Kipp & Zonen B.V., Delft, Netherlands; and J. Gr�bner
9:30 AM7.5Comparison of S-HIS temperature and water vapor Retrievals to MM5 derived fields for THORPEX 2003  
Paolo Antonelli, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and T. Cherubini, H. Revercomb, S. Businger, R. Knuteson, D. Posselt, and S. Ackerman
9:45 AMFormal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break  
11:00 AM7.6Improving coastal ocean modeling using in-situ data  
Robert H. Weisberg, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL; and R. He, J. I. Virmani, and Y. Liu
11:15 AMPaper 7.7 has ben moved to Session 5, new paper number 5.1B  
11:16 AM7.8Results from the Winter Storm Reconnaisance Program 2002-2003  extended abstract wrf recording
Lacey D. Holland, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, Washington, DC; and Z. Toth, J. Moskaitis, S. Majumdar, C. H. Bishop, and R. Smith

Thursday, 15 January 2004: 8:30 AM-11:31 AM, Room 618

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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