20th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/16th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction

Session 12

 WRF Model Development and Applications (ROOM 605/606)
 Chair: Robert L. Gall, NCAR, Boulder, CO
3:30 PM12.1Real-time applications of the WRF model at the Forecast Systems Laboratory  extended abstract wrf recording
Steven E. Koch, NOAA/ERL/FSL, Boulder, CO; and S. G. Benjamin, J. A. McGinley, J. M. Brown, P. Schultz, E. J. Szoke, T. G. Smirnova, B. L. Shaw, D. Birkenheuer, S. Albers, S. E. Peckham, and G. A. Grell
3:45 PM12.2Results of WRF development activities at NCEP  
Geoff DiMego, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC, Camp Springs, MD; and T. Black, H. Chuang, J. Derber, S. G. Gopalakrishnan, Z. Janjic, D. Keyser, M. Pyle, and W. Wu
4:00 PM12.3Implementing the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model with local data assimilation in a National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office (WFO)  
Patrick T. Welsh, NOAA/NWSFO, Jacksonville, FL; and A. Wildman, B. Shaw, J. Smart, P. Ruscher, J. McGinley, B. N. Meisner, and P. Bogenschutz
4:15 PM12.4Real-time explicit convective forecasts using the WRF model during the BAMEX field program  
Morris L. Weisman, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and C. Davis, J. Done, W. Wang, and J. Bresch
4:30 PM12.5Evaluation of Topographic Flow Simulations from COAMPS and WRF  
James D. Doyle, NRL, Monterey, CA
4:45 PM12.6Fully coupled “online” chemistry within the WRF model  extended abstract wrf recording
Georg A. Grell, NOAA/ERL/FSL and CIRES/ Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and S. E. Peckham, R. Schmitz, and S. A. McKeen
5:00 PM12.7The NCEP WRF core  extended abstract wrf recording
Zavisa I. Janjic, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, Camp Springs, MD
5:15 PM12.8Evaluating dissipation in NWP models using kinetic energy spectra  
William C. Skamarock, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and M. E. Baldwin and W. Wang
5:30 PM12.9The development of the WRF for Hurricanes (HWRF) at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) (Formerly Paper number 14.2)  
Naomi Surgi, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, Camp Springs, MD; and Q. Liu, R. Tuleya, W. Shen, and M. Bender

Tuesday, 13 January 2004: 3:30 PM-5:45 PM, Room 605/606

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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