84th AMS Annual Meeting

Tuesday, 13 January 2004: 11:45 AM
Air Force Weather Training “Responsive, Timely and Targeted”
Room 615/616
Michael D. Bramhall, Lt Col, USAF, Air Force Weather Agency, Offutt AFB, NE
The Air Force trains military meteorologists and weather technicians through a mix of formal military and non-formal training on Air Force Weather Weapons Systems and Tactics, Techniques and Procedures. The formal training conducted by the 335th Training Squadron, Keesler AFB, MS provides instruction to officers and enlisted members from each branch of the military as well as from foreign countries and teaches courses in weather observing, weather analysis and forecasting, tropical weather analysis and forecasting, weather satellite imagery interpretation and Doppler weather radar operation and interpretation. The Training Division, Air Force Weather Agency, Offutt AFB, NE coordinates the development of non-formal training materials for over 3,800 Air Force Weather personnel at 260 locations worldwide. The training includes meteorological and non-meteorological topics ranging from solar/terrestrial weather effects on DoD weapons systems to meteorological sensing strategy of the battlefield and specialized skills, which include static line parachuting, survival and small unit tactics. Select individuals assigned to Special Operations units receive training in military free-fall parachuting, SCUBA, Pathfinder, Ranger skills, mountain warfare training and air assault.

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