Wednesday, 14 January 2004: 1:30 PM
The Joint Polarization Experiment—A summary of dual-polarization WSR-88D radar data collection and analysis
Room 613/614
Poster PDF
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Since the spring of 2002, dual-polarization KOUN WSR-88D radar data have been collected and archived for approximately 80 days of observation. This data set includes observations that span a wide variety of precipitation systems (widespread warm- and cold-season rainfall, isolated convective cells, supercell thunderstorms, tornadoes, Mesoscale Convective Systems, and winter storms) and non-meteorological echoes (AP, birds, insects, and chaff). In this paper, we provide an overview of data collection during the Joint Polarization Experiment, report on results of the data analysis that is currently being conducted in support of a November 2003 WSR-88D dual-polarization decision briefing to the NEXRAD Program Management Committee (PMC), and present our impressions of the utility of dual-polarization radar data and products in an operational environment.
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