Wednesday, 14 January 2004
NOAA/NESDIS Ocean Surface Winds Science Team
Room 4AB
The NOAA/NESDIS Ocean Surface Winds Science Team (OSWST) provides science support for satellite remotely-sensed ocean surface wind products within NOAA. OSWST works with the operational groups within NESDIS on product quality and validation issues and in planning for future missions such as ASCAT on METOP and CMIS on NPOESS. OSWST also supports the operational users within NOAA such as the National Weather Service through efforts such as product development, validation and implementation. A considerable effort is also put into education on the various remote sensing techniques to improve product utilization by marine forecasters.
Current projects that the OSWST is involved in include SeaWinds on QuikSCAT, SeaWinds on ADEOS-II, WindSat on Coriolis, ASCAT on METOP, SSM/I on DMSP, AMSR on AQUA and ADEOS-II and TMI on TRMM. OSWST is also leading an effort to quantify the impacts of ocean surface wind vector data in operational marine nowcasting and forecasting within the Ocean Prediction Center and the Tropical Prediction Center. This poster will summarize some of the highlights from these efforts.
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