Tuesday, 13 January 2004: 4:30 PM
The University of Hawaii Sea Level Center Data Portal
Room 6B
The University of Hawaii Sea Level Center has been collecting, processing and distributing in situ sea level data for major scientific projects for over 25 years. Experiments supported include NORPAX, TOGA, WOCE, and CLIVAR. Recently, the Center has upgraded the technology used to observe sea level including the installation of Co-located GPS units for the measurement of absolute sea level. The methods used to collect, display, and distribute real-time and near real-time data are reviewed. The UHSLC has developed a quasi-real time dataset of hourly (collection + up to a three hour delay, H-3 delay) and daily filtered values (J-2 delay) in support of GODAE. These products are available through our web site and an OPeNDAP server. The center also distributes in situ sea level products through PMEL's Climate Data Portal and NOPP's National Virtual Ocean Data System.
Supplementary URL: http://uhslc.soest.hawaii.edu