The GOES-12 satellite imager presents a particular challenge because it has only two channels (3.9 and 11 um) available to generate SSTs. The former is difficult to use during the day because of solar contributions to the signal that derive from surface reflection and atmospheric scattering. The current scheme for GOES-12 consists of (1) screening out areas of significant sunglint by a daytime retrieval scheme to adopt a solar correction that uses typical aerosol loading but accounts for variability in sun-pixel-satellite geometry; (2) a new cloud masking methodology based on a probabilistic (Bayesian) approach to detection using thermal infrared imagery and radiances estimated from the OPTRAN model, and (3) the use of aerosol estimates in GOES-SST corrections. The GOES-12 SST retrievals are comparable in accuracy to those from GOES-9 and 10.
The GOES-SST products generated from these algorithms include regional hourly and 3-hourly hemispheric imagery, 24 hour merged composites and a combined POES/GOES 10-km resolution demonstration SST analysis. Future plans include the merging of data from the EUMETSAT MSG satellite and an International GOES Workshop on Global Algorithm Development.
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