This area has not only seen a noticeable increase in spring breakup and fall flooding, but has also been plagued with an unusual series of wintertime flood events. Record warm temperatures which prevailed across Alaska during the winter of 2002-2003 may be responsible for a prolonged episode of wintertime flooding in the Salcha area. A general temperature sequence of "freeze-thaw-freeze" early last winter caused river ice to break-up and form local ice jams, and then subsequent freezing temperatures likely preserved some of the ice jams - essentially creating ice dams. It is speculated that ice dams at least partially obstructed the main channels of the Tanana River and diverted a substantial amount of flow into the far eastern channel, which parallels the Old Richardson Highway. The higher frequency of flood events may simply be related to, or exacerbated by, the long-term channel migration of the Tanana River.
The threat of future flooding continues to pose a significant concern for residents, as well as local, state, and federal agencies because of the impact to area roads and private property. This talk will present a background of the recent flooding along the Tanana River and Piledriver Slough near Salcha, as well as address some of the possible causes and solutions for the prevention and mitigation of flooding in this area.
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