To address this problem, a new urban canopy parameterization (UCP) has been developed inside MM5 using the drag-force approach to represent the dynamic effect of the canopy following the previous works of Brown & Williams (1998), Lacser & Otte (2001), and Martilli et al. (2002). To represent the thermodynamic effects of the canopy, this UCP has been coupled to the soil model SM2-U (Dupont et al., 2002) which considers in detail both rural and urban surfaces. This overall approach is called DA-SM2U. To support this approach, computer-based analysis techniques (e.g., ArcView GIS tools and methodologies) are applied to various datasets, including digitized buildings, land use/land cover, and other essential datasets for the Houston area to assess morphological parameters required by DA-SM2U. Results will be shown for a Houston study including gridded UCP from the digitized databases, applications of DA-SM2U inside MM5. Additionally, results of air quality prediction for Houston using the USEPA Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system driven by results of both DA-SM2U/MM5 as well as the standard form of MM5.
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