84th AMS Annual Meeting

Thursday, 15 January 2004: 2:45 PM
Verifying modeled tropical convective systems during KWAJEX using surface flux and tethered balloon measurements
Room 618
Thomas L. O'Halloran, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA; and J. D. Fuentes, W. K. Tao, C. L. Shie, and M. Garstang
Experimental data are used to validate simulations from the Goddard Cumulus Ensemble (GCE) Model of convective systems observed in the tropical Pacific during the Kwajalein Experiment of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). Focus is placed on three case studies, and on the lower 1000 meters of the atmosphere, where tethered balloon profiles capture important convective boundary layer characteristics. Observations and characteristics of precipitation, surface fluxes, and boundary layer structure and thermodynamics are presented. These experimental data are compared to model results. Findings show good agreement between modeled and observed surface fluxes and heat and moisture budgets. However, model results agree with previous findings that this and other cloud resolving models tend to have a cold, dry bias, despite being continuously forced by observations. Ultimately, the model closely reproduces observed precipitation features, which are generally short-lived and unorganized. Methods of comparing point source data with large model domains are discussed. Based on the validation findings, recommendations are made for future work and model improvement.

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