Monday, 12 January 2004
A Software System to Support Earth Science Data Services
Hall 4AB
In Earth science applications, data services, such as data mining, subsetting, reformatting, and resampling, become more and more important primarily due to the ever-increasing large volumes of data with heterogeneous formats, spatial-temporal coverage and resolutions, and at distributed locations. Existing data systems are lacking support for these data service related activities. We have been developing a data and process management and data processing support system for various data service oriented applications. We have also developed standarads for the
development of data services, and communication protocols between the data services and the system. This system enables data service providers to easily develop data services and register the data services they provide into the system, as well as enables their users to easily utilize
the services to process data represented in the system. In this paper, we describe the system architecture, software components, data model, functionality, and user interfaces of the software system. We also use a fully functional prototype to demonstrate the capabilities of the system with example data services for rainfall data from Tropical rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM).
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