Fourth Symposium on Space Weather

Session 5


Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC)

 Chairs: Robert McCoy, Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA; Genene M. Fisher, AMS, Washington, DC
11:00 AM5.1Early Results of Ionospheric Measurements from the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Mission  
Stig Syndergaard, UCAR, Boulder, CO; and C. Rocken, W. S. Schreiner, and D. C. Hunt
11:15 AM5.2Tiny Ionospheric Photometer science program, data products, and operations on COSMIC  
Scott A. Budzien, NRL, Washington, DC; and K. F. Dymond, D. H. Chuah, and C. Coker
11:30 AM5.3JPL/USC GAIM 4DVAR: Using COSMIC Occultations To Estimate Ionospheric State and Drivers in Near Real-Time  
Brian Wilson, JPL, Pasadena, CA; and V. Akopian, L. Mandrake, X. Pi, C. Wang, and G. Hajj
11:45 AM5.4Autonomous space-based radio monitors of the ionosphere  
Paul A. Bernhardt, NRL, Washington, DC; and C. L. Siefring

Tuesday, 16 January 2007: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM, 210A

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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