Tuesday, 16 January 2007: 12:00 AM
US Air Force Interactive Ensemble Visualizations
216AB (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
The Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) continues to expand the capabilities and product line of its Interactive Grid Analysis and Display System (IGrADS). This powerful tool is available over the AFWA webpage (https://weather.afwa.af.mil/igrads.html) and has been operational since early 2002. The Air Force is also involved in a multi-year partnership with the US Navy's FNMOC and National Weather Service's NCEP with the purpose of advancing and fielding operational ensemble forecasting products. Known as the Joint Ensemble Forecast System (JEFS), it will comprise two complementary ensembles: the Joint Global Ensemble (JGE) and the Joint Mesoscale Ensemble (JME). JGE will comprise GFS and NOGAPS members while JME will have AFWA WRF-ARW (NCAR's dynamical core) and FNMOC COAMPS members. IGrADS is being expanded to allow for customer driven ensemble visualizations. The product line will include consensus products, potential error products, and probability products. Operational forecasters will be able to generate ensemble visualizations for a large number of parameter options. The initial ensemble capability will allow users to create forecast maps with IGrADS. The span of products will later be enlarged to include probabilistic meteograms and vertical cross sections.
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